Wow... where did this past month go?
My new job is amazing. Great people, intense training, exhausting travel, immense growth. Coupled with endless mom-taxi trips to golf practice and matches all over southeastern Michigan, dad's sudden hip-replacement surgery and the quick sale of my mom's home it has been a whirlwind. I'm reminded of a saying: "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." But boy am I so ready to say "uncle"... lol.
We did manage a three day vacation to Florida. Great one on one time with my son - walking the beach, taking in the smells and the sound of the waves... the chilly water as we dipped our toes in what seemed like a never ending sea. God didn't miss any details when He created this amazing temporary home.
Soon school will be over, my mom will be all settled in her new place, my dad will give up his walker and hopefully be able to golf by the end of the summer... I hope to blog more and pursue my purpose and dreams. No fear. No excuses.